エルオー LO


In recent years, it has become increasingly difficult to create the “value” that customers seek. Fortunately, it is much easier to grasp customer preferences and trends through SNS, etc., so we will continue to strive to understand our customers’ lifestyles and seek new “value” that will truly please them. We are a company that is continually striving to create and realize the kind of products customers want for 100 yen.


  1. イケヒコ・コーポレーション Ikehiko

  2. 三光堂 Sankoudou

  3. 田中箸店 Tanaka-hashi

  4. ワコー wako

  5. 岩谷マテリアル Iwatani Materials

  6. 瀬戸本業窯 Seto hongyo
